Responsibility Section #2

Our Green Cross label has existed since 2017 and has for years easily been recognized on our hang tags and care labels, visible in our online store and on the product pages. The label indicates that a minimum of 50% of the garment is made of ‘responsible’ fibres. However, it predominantly represents a garment made of 80-100% responsible fibres. We define “responsible fibres/fabrics” as a newer generation of fabrics that have an eco-friendly angle in manufacturing, e.g., EcoVero recycling chemical, and organic cotton reducing the use of pesticides. At this point, our use of responsible fabrics includes: Organic cotton, transitional cotton, recycled fibres, EcoVero viscose and Tencel. It is our objective that the label over time will include other responsible and/or sustainable fabrics and partake in increasingly sustainable manufacturing practices.

In 2020, Green Cross labelled products accounted for 79% of our total production. By end of 2021, 88% of overall production is being Green Cross labelled[*]. We are striving to do even more of our styles with the green cross certificate in the future.

[*]  These numbers have been taken from the period 1/1/2021 to 21/11/2021. Therefore, these numbers can vary a bit at the end of the year, but this would still not decrease or increase significantly, since we had already produced most of our denim production at this point in 2021.